
目前顯示的是 12月, 2009的文章

[太陽花學運] 2014年3月18日 台灣人民佔領立法院行動 反對黑箱服貿

繼台灣公民記者JO1YNN在美國有線電視新聞網CNN的 iReport ( Taiwan Parliament Occupied by protesters 1st time in History )上。報導台灣「318人民佔領立法院行動」首次佔領立法院議場世界各大重要外電媒體紛紛加以報導。 Arys Chien's status update .: 【 為何學生要佔領立法院,反對黑箱服貿?】 我知道有的朋友平常沒 留意,現在一時看不太懂;我試著用另一種方式簡單說明看看。   會計偷偷抱著公司所有的資產,要去抵押借高利貸。 老闆發現了,趕緊說:「不行啊那是高利貸!」 會計:「我是為公司好!」 老闆:「那起碼告訴我,是哪家高利貸、多少錢、利息怎麼算?」 會計:「我先去借,你之後會慢慢感受到!」 老闆:「那也讓我們開個會討論吧!」 會計:「我趁你不在的時候發開會通知,你沒來,所以就算通過了。 」 老闆要攔會計、會計把自己座位鎖起來,老闆只好請人來包圍會計的 座位,並且設法強行進入;進入後亂翻會計抽屜,想找到公司資產。   以上。   會計 = 政府 老闆 = 台灣人民 高利貸 = 服貿 (沒錯,政府是人民雇用來辦事的職員,看薪水哪裡來的就很清楚了 ) (高利貸不是不能借,只是不能這樣搞啊......)  ( 來源: 我是台灣人粉絲團  )

什麼是 TLS ?

What is TLS ? 網路上查詢 TLS的定義結果: * 安全套接層(Secure Sockets Layer,SSL)及其繼任者 傳輸層保全(Transport Layer Security,TLS) 是在互聯網上提供安全 ... zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/TLS * 由 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 建立的SSL的後續協議, 在TCP/IP網絡中實現常規通訊認證和加密。 ... man.chinaunix.net/newsoft/ApacheManual/glossary.html * 層安全協議(TLS)是確保互聯網上通信應用和其用戶隱私的協議,TLS由兩層構成:TLS記錄協議和TLS握手協議。 www.networkdictionary.cn/security/t.php 相關連結: Security - certificates for TLS/HTTPS Postfix TLS Support

What is PRL ?

什麼是PRL ? PRL (Preferred Roaming List) The PRL is a list of information that resides in the memory of a digital phone. It lists the frequency bands the phone can use in various parts of the country. (The smaller bands within Cellular or PCS, technically called blocks.) Since a PRL tells the phone "where" to search for a signal, as carrier networks change over time, an updated PRL may be required for a phone to "see" all of the coverage that it should. wiki : PRL other PRL 網路上查詢 PRL在 英文的定義結果: * Prolactin: Pituitary hormone which stimulates and may cause an absence of menstruation. www.stanfordivf.com/glossary.html * Platmin Resources Ltd., a corporation incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. www.platmin.com/im/glossary.asp * Authorization for the public performance of a song by someone other than the copyright holder ( you do not need a PRL to perform your own work! ... bandfoundry.draftlight.net/resources/dictionary.php

Android issue list

以下連結是Android issue list http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list 可以在上面report 也可以看有哪些已知issue !! 是個好地方 Orz

onConfigurationChanged -> Activity.java

Activity.java /** * Called by the system when the device configuration changes while your * activity is running. Note that this will only be called if * you have selected configurations you would like to handle with the * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute in your manifest. If * any configuration change occurs that is not selected to be reported * by that attribute, then instead of reporting it the system will stop * and restart the activity (to have it launched with the new * configuration). * * At the time that this function has been called, your Resources * object will have been updated to return resource values matching the * new configuration. * * @param newConfig The new device configuration. */ public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {