[太陽花學運] 2014年3月18日 台灣人民佔領立法院行動 反對黑箱服貿

繼台灣公民記者JO1YNN在美國有線電視新聞網CNN的 iReport ( Taiwan Parliament Occupied by protesters 1st time in History )上。報導台灣「318人民佔領立法院行動」首次佔領立法院議場世界各大重要外電媒體紛紛加以報導。 Arys Chien's status update .: 【 為何學生要佔領立法院,反對黑箱服貿?】 我知道有的朋友平常沒 留意,現在一時看不太懂;我試著用另一種方式簡單說明看看。   會計偷偷抱著公司所有的資產,要去抵押借高利貸。 老闆發現了,趕緊說:「不行啊那是高利貸!」 會計:「我是為公司好!」 老闆:「那起碼告訴我,是哪家高利貸、多少錢、利息怎麼算?」 會計:「我先去借,你之後會慢慢感受到!」 老闆:「那也讓我們開個會討論吧!」 會計:「我趁你不在的時候發開會通知,你沒來,所以就算通過了。 」 老闆要攔會計、會計把自己座位鎖起來,老闆只好請人來包圍會計的 座位,並且設法強行進入;進入後亂翻會計抽屜,想找到公司資產。   以上。   會計 = 政府 老闆 = 台灣人民 高利貸 = 服貿 (沒錯,政府是人民雇用來辦事的職員,看薪水哪裡來的就很清楚了 ) (高利貸不是不能借,只是不能這樣搞啊......)  ( 來源: 我是台灣人粉絲團  )

SiS Distribution Continues to Deploy Scalable QNAP Security Surveillance Solution for its Enlarged Warehouse

SiS Distribution Continues to Deploy Scalable QNAP Security Surveillance Solution for its Enlarged Warehouse
SiS Distribution is a wholesaler for IT business, specializing in distributing IT products in Thailand. It sells many renowned brands worldwide, and is a leading distributor for IT products in Thailand.

SiS Distribution owns a large warehouse for storing technology and electronics goods. It is needed to keep watching over its warehoused goods 24/7, and the all-IP surveillance solution from QNAP® was adopted to fulfill this task. Management level can monitor the warehouse from the head office and branches remotely, paying close attention to any event regarding people safety, warehouse capacity and inventory security.
However, a recent expansion left the warehouse with monitoring gaps. While the goods stored increased and the operation in the warehouse became heavier, SiS Distribution's management team required a surveillance solution that could grow with its needs simultaneously without sacrificing the existing video surveillance investment. Downtime was also unacceptable because the warehouse stocked valuable electronics and high-end IT equipments.

In the initial phase, SiS Distribution chose QNAP NVRs for its surveillance solution, deploying 10 units of QNAP® VioStor VS-8024U-RP NVR to get connected with more than 60 IP cameras from Axis® Communications. Based on the good experiences over the years, such as ease for use and deployment, integration with a wide range of the network cameras, web-based GUI monitoring enabling remote management, and supportive data backup in local drives or remote storages, SiS Distribution decided to go on implementing QNAP NVRs with the familiar management interface and numerous useful functions. "QNAP NVR surveillance solution has gained our confidence and trust. We need to count on its reliability and stability to fulfill the security of the enlarged warehouse," said a representative from SiS Distribution.
In the second phase for expansion, 12 units of QNAP® VioStor VS-8024U-RP NVR were deployed, along with 138 Axis® network cameras. This comprehensive deployment enhanced the security around the warehouse and prevented the blind spots for people and goods protection. Besides, the setup for motion-detected recording helped keep storage low costs due to the NVRs only recorded valid events. Now, security administrators can easily monitor activities on the warehouse floor or in the office, anytime and anywhere.

QNAP's networked surveillance solution significantly benefited security administrators and operations of SiS Distribution warehouse. The management acknowledged that the implementation of QNAP NVRs was rewarding, especially the scalability could fully support the expansion of surveillance deployment. Furthermore, the user-friendly interface effectively made 40 percent reduction on cost of administration and maintenance.
Now, the warehouse of SiS Distribution operates with larger amount of goods moved in and out and people busy walking around. All the activities are well taken care of by QNAP NVR surveillance system in a more secure environment.

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