[太陽花學運] 2014年3月18日 台灣人民佔領立法院行動 反對黑箱服貿

繼台灣公民記者JO1YNN在美國有線電視新聞網CNN的 iReport ( Taiwan Parliament Occupied by protesters 1st time in History )上。報導台灣「318人民佔領立法院行動」首次佔領立法院議場世界各大重要外電媒體紛紛加以報導。 Arys Chien's status update .: 【 為何學生要佔領立法院,反對黑箱服貿?】 我知道有的朋友平常沒 留意,現在一時看不太懂;我試著用另一種方式簡單說明看看。   會計偷偷抱著公司所有的資產,要去抵押借高利貸。 老闆發現了,趕緊說:「不行啊那是高利貸!」 會計:「我是為公司好!」 老闆:「那起碼告訴我,是哪家高利貸、多少錢、利息怎麼算?」 會計:「我先去借,你之後會慢慢感受到!」 老闆:「那也讓我們開個會討論吧!」 會計:「我趁你不在的時候發開會通知,你沒來,所以就算通過了。 」 老闆要攔會計、會計把自己座位鎖起來,老闆只好請人來包圍會計的 座位,並且設法強行進入;進入後亂翻會計抽屜,想找到公司資產。   以上。   會計 = 政府 老闆 = 台灣人民 高利貸 = 服貿 (沒錯,政府是人民雇用來辦事的職員,看薪水哪裡來的就很清楚了 ) (高利貸不是不能借,只是不能這樣搞啊......)  ( 來源: 我是台灣人粉絲團  )

Tbilisi Metro Uses QNAP Security's NVR Solution to Safeguard the Underground City

Tbilisi Metro Uses QNAP Security's NVR Solution to Safeguard the Underground City
Tbilisi Metro, operated since December 1966, is a rapid transit metro system in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. At present, the system consists of 2 lines with 22 stations. Constructed at the depth of 100 meters underground, Tbilisi Metro is one of the deepest subways in the world. Many people in the city depend heavily on Tbilisi Metro for daily traveling because of its convenience.

From the perspective of surveillance system deployment, the environment of Tbilisi Metro is quite complicated. As the metro is built underground 100 meters deep, it requires advanced deployment that could support strong network connection. Hence, optical fiber is used for any network appliance in the metro system to fulfill the demands of high-speed intranet connection. On the other hand, being one of the busiest public transportations, Tbilisi Metro is always crowded with people, and the need for an intensive surveillance system deployment is necessary to provide people a safer environment.

The original surveillance system that Tbilisi Metro used was gradually outdated and failed to satisfy the need of monitoring a greater number of IP cameras. As a result, Tbilisi Metro started to look for new surveillance solution that could carry out superior performance of smooth video streaming from a large number of IP cameras.

Taking system performance and reliability of video/audio streaming as the first priority, Tbilisi Metro chose QNAP® Security surveillance solution to upgrade its security system infrastructure, with totally 27 units of QNAP® VioStor NVR VS-8040 deployed. The 8-bay NVR VS-8040, powered by Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.8 GHz CPU and installed with eight 3TB hard drives, offers up to 24TB large storage capacity for long-term recording and presents remarkable performance with maximum 360 Mbps throughput to support simultaneous monitoring and recording from 40 IP cameras. The demand of Tbilisi Metro for an intensive surveillance deployment was well satisfied.

The security administrators were always busy and under pressure. A device with easy-to-manage and simple-to-use interface was the key concern for Tbilisi Metro. Even without much IT expertise, the security administrators could easily learn how to manage the VS-8040 and the installed IP cameras through the handy user interface. The work efficiency was therefore greatly improved.
"This is the second big project we adopt QNAP Security products, and the experience and result are still satisfying and impressive," said the managing engineer of GESCO Group. "The VS-8040 has delivered quality performance of video streaming and stability, which right fulfills our demands for the sophisticated surveillance environment."

QNAP® VioStor NVR VS-8040 effectively supports Tbilisi Metro's demand for monitoring a large number of IP cameras at each critical corner around the metro stations. Tbilisi Metro now provides people with enhanced protection with the assistance of QNAP®Security surveillance solution.

While additional line of Tbilisi Metro is under construction, the newer VioStor NVR models VS-8100 Pro+ series and VS-8100U-RP Pro series are considered in future deployment. Both models, available in 48, 40, 32, or 24-channel, are equipped with more powerful Intel® Core™ i3-2120 processor and deliver better performance on video and audio streaming from multiple channels. While supporting up to 48 channels monitoring, the VS-8100 Pro+ series and VS-8100U-RP Pro series provide an ideal surveillance solution for Tbilisi Metro's need for wider scope of IP camera deployment, fulfilling closer look at Tbilisi Metro's security.

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